Meet Siera...

What happens when your hobby and your job collide? You end up with what Siera has coined, a “hobby job.” Siera had tried different craft beers but none really stood out until she met the Ferryman. Her love of the Ferryman, her enthusiasm and knowledge towards craft beer were noticed and lead to being offered a position at the Phoenix.

PHX Position: Shift Manager and Tap Technician since 2016

What was your first experience with craft beer? “I had tried craft beers, but none of them really stuck before I tried the Ferryman Oatmeal Milk Stout. “

What do you reach for on tap at the PHX? "My first love at the brewery was the Ferryman, but working here has opened doors to many different styles for me. Now, my favorite beer changes each season."

What is your ultimate flight from the Phoenix?  “My ultimate beer taster for PHX beers, no matter what season, would be the Dark Lylith Chocolate Stout, Barb Doe Rhubarb Wheat, Orange Eyes Pumpkin Ale, and Embalming Fluid Imperial IPA. "

What do you think customers say about you? “ I hope they say I am helpful, pleasant, and fun to talk to.”

What are your favorite non-PHX beers? “I don’t really drink much outside of the Phoenix, although I enjoy trying different beers and breweries. The boyfriend and I enjoy going to Traverse City, Michigan every year to taste all of the different cherry beers during the National Cherry Festival.

Outside of the Phoenix, what do you do?  “Support the Tribe as often as I can. Camping through Michigan and Ohio, Beercationing , Canoeing (and cabrewing) travel-anywhere and everywhere, and I volunteer for the Belleville Street Fair and the FFA Alumni. “

Your house is burning down, what is the one item you grab? “My furbabies!! "

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